Hi Everyone

I bet that Arthur groaned when he saw my latest EMail to him this week. When we went on our recent holiday to the Lake District we had an issue with a missing train ticket. He confirmed that the missing ticket came out of the machine two minutes after all the others so, by then, I would have been back to my car as I only had twenty minutes free parking or pay £12-50. Now Arthur works for the train company Avanti which operates the West Coast main line and I imagine that he is a very busy man working in their complaints department especially if he has customers like me who just won't go away. Now you would think that Arthur's office would be somewhere along the West Coast main line, but no, his office is on the East Coast main line which is operated by a different train company. Are you following me so far? The missing train ticket resulted in three trips to our local station and two telephone calls to their contact number probably answered by somebody in their bedroom or garden shed. In the end, we bought an extra ticket costing more than the original ticket but Arthur says that the train manager would have allowed us to stay on the train in "exceptional circumstances". Now surely this was an exceptional circumstance as although there was a missing ticket we had written proof with us that we had bought and paid for all the tickets. Now all I am asking Arthur for is repayment for the extra ticket that we did not need to buy plus say £1m in compensation for stress, and all the other words that clever lawyers use on these occasions. The Main Contractor had an Uncle Arthur who was a lovely man. I just hope that this Arthur is an exceptional friend especially as he knows I am approaching middle age.

It seems that when you decide to have a day out almost certainly a coffee shop, tearoom, pub or restaurant will be on the menu. This week we thankfully had one warm sunny day which meant that every man and his dog were out eating and drinking resulting in many of us, including sadly myself, being overweight or even obese. I read this week that help is at hand, however. It is a magic pill called Ozempic, a weight loss pill that is predicted to save our NHS billions. So there you have it. Those of us taking the pill will be as fit as a butcher's dog as well as having to buy a whole new wardrobe while boosting the economy still further by being able to eat twice as much food as we do now. Now if we need to make our economy grow, this has to be the way. Before you get too excited, however, it will be at least two years before the pill will be available by which time it could be too late for you personally and the country, by then, will probably be bankrupt.
This week the government has scrapped the single grades used by OFSTED to rate schools, previously classed as 'Outstanding'. 'Good'. 'Requires Improvement' or 'Inadequate'. About time too in my opinion but knowing how governments work, they will probably replace concise with something so complicated that the parents eyes will glaze over long before they get to the end of it.
Just a Thought :
A recent study found that women who carry a little extra weight live longer than the men who mention it.
We removed all the fattening food from our house this week, it was delicious.
Did you know that five out of three people have trouble with fractions?