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No Worries, The Cavalry are Coming


Hi Everyone

Something that we are told we must preserve at all costs is free speech. I have aways thought that it is up to all of us to have some form of census in what we say in order to maintain the ability to say almost anything we want. On our journey through life we have all occasionally met someone whose opinions we do not agree with, and in some cases, that we strongly disagree with. On the odd occasion when that has happened to me, my strategy is to listen but not seek confrontation as whatever I say will not in any way change that persons extreme opinion. This week free speech has been put to the test by the extreme words posted on X by its owner Elon Musk aimed at our Prime Minister and his deputy. In addition, ex Prime Minister Liz Truss has threatened legal action as our present Prime Minister has said on a number of occasions that she "crashed and burned" the economy when she was in power. As I understand it in America anyone can say whatever they want, whether or not it is true or accurate. Now I do not agree that our Prime Minister should not be able to say that Liz Truss was responsible for a downturn in our economy, but I strongly disagree with the extreme comments made by Elon Musk. In both instances, there may be an element of truth in their words but when people in power stop showing some sort of respect for each other, we are on a slippery slope.

If you hoped that this year would be a better one than the last, your expectations have been severely dented in the first week with the awful and disastrous wildfires in California, and the extreme and disruptive winter weather in the mid west of America, both probably more examples of climate change. Here at home, we have extreme pressure on our hospitals with nearly thirty hospitals across the country posting critical incidents in Accident and Emergency departments combined with the lack of available beds. I urge you not to worry however as the cavalry is just about to come over the horizon - Donald and Elon. The war in Ukraine will be over in days, although they don't appear to have anything to say about the situation in Gaza. Now they are both wading in to destroy the political leaders in Los Angeles even before the fires have been extinguished. Next, they are planning to change the Gulf of Mexico into the Gulf of America, no doubt instructing us to change the Irish Sea into the Sea of Wales. Next on their agenda is to take over Greenland even if it takes military action. That idea puts America on the same level as Russia, North Korea, Iran and China. With all this Rubbish swirling around, I thought that I would exercise my right to free speech by saying that, in my opinion, both men were born with very large egos and very small brains.

Back when I was in my prime, whenever that was, one of the American presidents we remember as a good man was Jimmie Carter the peanut farmer. Whether he was a great President was not for us to judge but I thought that Joe Biden delivered a well thought out and impressive eulogy at his funeral this week. It probably helped that they had both served the same political party for many years but that did not guarantee that they did not have their disagreements over the many years together. The respect they had for each other shone through. I would love to be still around for Donald's eulogy.

Just a Thought :

My freedom of speech should stimulate your freedom to tell me I am wrong.

A life that touches others goes on forever.

If anyone at my funeral has a long face, i will never speak to them again.




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