Hi Everyone

Now you know that I am a sports fan despite the fact that, if you have read my book, you will know that I am less than average at any of the many sports I have tried. Back in the 1970s I met an Olympian. He was a member of Britain's Olympic team in Tokyo in 1964. He had possibly the moment of his lifetime, but like many of the competitors from all the countries he came home without a medal, and apart from forever being an Olympian he would largely be forgotten except among his family and friends. Just to get there, he had dedicated over ten years to his sport and in the two years before the Tokyo games he had trained and practised for 25 hours a week while still having a full time job as was fairly normal at that time. Now we cheer on our medal winners in their moment in the sun, probably forgetting the days, hours and years that they have dedicated to their sport and the personal sacrifices that they have made to achieve that moment of glory. Occasionally we think about the competitor who came fourth, often by a few hundredths of a second. All of us who enjoy watching will have our personal heroes but for them, there are no losers as they reach their pinnacle of just being there to represent their country. For the rest of us, it has provided us with a wonderful release from the gloomy news that seems to surround us. For me, I cannot wait for the next one.

When I was young I was told that the only thing free in this world was the air that we breathe. Now of course I know that is not true as my free bus pass nestles safely in my wallet. Back in the 1970s a very special lady worked for me as my secretary. At that time she had two teenage boys who are now, very sensibly, long time Rubbish readers and although they are nowhere near approaching middle age, have now retired from work. Now as proud owners of free bus passes they are on a mission. They are circumnavigating - that's a big word for me - the coast of our country using their free bus passes. They are doing it in stages of course over a period of time. It is a great idea but if the Main Contractor and I decided to do it we would have to start now while we are able to climb to the top deck of the bus to get the best views of our beautiful coast. I just hope that our Chancellor who is desperate for money and sees us as an easy target does not read this Rubbish or the free Tour of Britain could come to an abrupt end.
I read something this week headlined "Impulse Buy" say that house buyers spend less than ten minutes in a house before making an offer to buy it. In our case, we spent six months looking at about ten properties before deciding in one minute that the house we now live next door to was the house for us. It was one of the best decisions we ever made.
Just a Thought:
It's amazing how you have to stay on track and jump so many hurdles just to get to the Olympics.
What do you call a bus full of lawyers going off a cliff? A shame as there were three empty seats.
Estate agents really need to look at their problems, Everyone else does