Hi Everyone
I think that most of us enjoy the occasional quiz night especially if we surprise ourselves by managing to get a few questions correct. For those of us of a certain age, however, the killer round is the Pop Music round, the point when any hope of winning a beauty pack or teddy bear disappears. This year we had a wonderful Christmas Day with all our family. The Main Contractor cooked the food, I was in charge of washing up and everyone else enjoyed the party. Our lovely turkey dinner was followed by a quiz with our grandson preparing the quiz and acting as quizmaster. Now I am at least average when it comes to quizzes but my total score after 15 questions was three with the consolation that at least I shared last place. This inevitably then led to a music quiz to be answered by three generations. Our generation was when an artist stood and sang into a microphone and you could hear every word they sang. The middle generation started with the Beatles, Elvis etc. as you could still hear the words but that slowly degenerated into punk and heavy metal. Now with the young generation, we have singers who mostly have to throw themselves around the stage while singing an incoherent message. When you then add in Rap, Garage and Gringe - these are a type of 'music', not local Solicitors - then you can understand why you dread the pop music quiz rounds. When I was a teenager my music was mainly jazz (and still is today) so when I played my music the Senior Partner told me to "turn off that row". Now I find myself saying exactly the same thing about the music of the present generation. I would not admit it of course but maybe the Senior Partner had a point.
This week it was announced that a new drug is being trialed that will slow down the aging process to enable people to possibly live to 120. Now I think, like most people, it would be good to finally reach middle age so that I can continue to write this Rubbish, to observe how the grandchildren progress through life, to see the end of the rail strikes, and to see whether HS2 ever gets completed. Add to that the pleasant thought that my pension providers would seriously be out of pocket as they continue to provide our income. Then there is the thought that if the Main Contractor and I both took the pill we could end up being married for almost one hundred years!!!!!!!!. Now that is a life sentence without parole. It was at that point that realised that if we can have this wonder pill so can Putin and that funny little man from North Korea and the thought of them living to 120 does not bear thinking about so I can assure my readers that I will not be in the queue for this pill. Instead, I will reflect that the time I have already had has seen growing prosperity and a relatively peaceful world that will probably never be repeated. That is good enough for me.
As you read this week's Rubbish a new year will have begun. I will not be making any New Year resolutions that I cannot keep. I think, however, that this year will be very difficult for many people, not just here but around the world. However difficult it may be for us, spare a thought for the people of Ukraine as they fight not only for their freedom but for many of those countries surrounding them. Here, our National Health Service is in crisis and it is perhaps another illustration that governments do not have as much power as they think they have to solve even relatively small problems. My wish is that our government of whichever colour will admit problems and mistakes. It would perhaps then be a start in solving those problems.
Just a Thought:
The biggest reason to stay up until midnight on December 31 is to make sure 2022 leaves.
Before I agree to 2023, I am going to need to see the Terms and Conditions.
I asked Dot to embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug.
Happy New Year.