Hi Everyone
This week I was really hoping that I would be called to be part of the jury at Donald's trial this week but as I was one hundred and something on the list and as Donald had probably read what I had said about him in my blog, I did not receive that important call.
I will therefore be spared the Donald scowl that we seem to see every day of the week at the moment. There is a serious point to this Rubbish. I cannot believe that however many jurors they reject, there are 12 jurors to be found in the whole of America who do not have an opinion of Donald one way or the other, that will not colour their judgment. I also heard that Donald fell asleep in court while the jury was being selected. Let us hope that the same thing does not happen if he gets his finger on the nuclear button again. Watch this space.
As you go through your life there are two things that you should have acquired, experience and wisdom. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we have all made some daft decisions along the way. I am not going to tell you mine as the list might be embarrassing. Now as I approach middle age I have to use my experience in a much simpler way. At least once every day I open a cupboard door, walk into the garage or open the shed door to then ask myself "What have I come here for". Now this is where I am going to pass on my vast experience to help you negotiate the problem that no doubt affects you as well as me, and if it doesn't happen to you now, it soon will. The secret is that when you want something from a cupboard or in the garage, keep it firmly in your mind and don't be distracted by anything else on the way, especially if your Main Contractor or Senior Partner is around. Now I have just thought about something I need from the Kitchen cupboard but as I am concentrating on getting my blog finished, by the time I got there I had forgotten what I went for. As for wisdom, it is obvious that you have not acquired much along the way or you would not be reading, or hopefully addicted, to this Rubbish every week.
About five years ago I read a book called "How Underpants are Made". It was written by a New Zealand journalist who bought a pack of underpants in a supermarket that were made in China for what he thought was a very low price. He decided to travel to travel to China to find the source of every bit of his underpants from the cotton, fabric, elastic, and printing through to the manufacturing and exporting. It is a fascinating and humorous read. I am telling you all this Rubbish as, without giving away any intimate details, I have some underpants that have the words Tokyo Laundry printed in large letters around the waistband. With that useless information in my brain, I have often wondered when I see a group of Japanese tourists, how many of them wear the same underpants as me bearing in mind that the garments must have been made in their country. When I read the label however it says that they are made in Bangladesh possibly making them less attractive to Japanese gentlemen, which is probably why they sell at a knockdown price here. I have no idea whether there is a Tokyo laundry in Bangladesh. Crazy world.
Just a Thought :
I have reached the age where my train of thought leaves the station without me.
The best underwear jokes are brief.
Donald - He's Grumpy, Dopey and now .... Sleepy.