Hi Everyone
If you thought that last week was exciting, this week is off the scale. Boris and Donald are back with Boris looking as though he might have found a competent hairdresser. We are all used to world leaders denying everything when they are faced with difficult situations or questions. The result is that nobody believes a word they say unless you have already been brainwashed or are too frightened to speak out. Boris however is cleverer than that. His plan was to admit that he broke Covid rules but then try to persuade us that he did not realise that he was breaking the rules and that "with all my heart" he did not believe that he mislead Parliament and the country when he told us that the rules had not been broken been at any time in 10 Downing Street which happened to be his office and his home. The committee of Parliamentary privileges who questioned him for three hours were shown photographs of gatherings that showed people not obeying the rules that they themselves had drawn up. Of course, it was a very difficult time for Boris and everyone employed there and, as Boris said, it was very difficult to maintain all the rules with a large number of staff in a Victorian house with narrow corridors and small rooms. As one member of the committee pointed out, if he had come to Parliament and said that, we would not all be here today. The committee now has to possibly take further evidence and is not likely to report its findings until the summer, by which time the media will probably be full of drought, floods, rising sea levels, forest fires and a glut of tomatoes and cucumbers to bother about what the committee have to say about Boris and his chums.
We all know that the UK has many beautiful locations and generally is a great place to live. It was very interesting to see that, experts or researchers or whatever group of people who have nothing better to do, have placed the UK as the nineteenth happiest country in the world to live in. Not bad when you think that we are competing with about 150 others. Not surprisingly North America, the Scandinavian countries, and a few other Northern European countries were high on the list. The Netherlands were up there where they have more bikes than people. Perhaps we were downgraded as we have more potholes on our roads than people. I cannot imagine why more bike riders here don't pitch over the handlebars every 200 yards or that we are not making a weekly visit to the tyre repair garage. I was quite happy with our nineteen rating, however, until I saw that Belgium, yes Belgium is above us on the list. It was perhaps then that I realised that we are all possibly disappearing down a pothole.
Those of us approaching middle age will remember that we qualified for our state pension, you know the money that the government had saved on our behalf, when we reached the age of 65. Although I drew my pension at 65, I continued to work until I was 70 and fortunately I continue to receive my state pension and inflict this rubbish on you each week. It is inevitable as our life expectancy increased that the state pension age will have to increase with the proposal that we will soon have to be 67 before receiving a pension. While it might not be good news for everyone it does seem to me that it is not something to create mayhem on the streets about. But then we are not the French, are we? Their government, or should I say their President decided to increase their pension age from 62 to 64. The result, burning buildings, riot police, and tear gas. Sacre bleu!
Let's see what happens when they finally arrest Donald!!!.
Just a Thought :
" I lead a life of blameless domesticity and always have done" Boris Johnson
The reason grandparents and grandchildren get on so well is because they have a common "enemy".
Laughter is to life what shock absorbers are to cars. It won't take the potholes out of life, but it will make the ride smoother.