Hi Everyone
I suppose at some point we have all had ambitions. For most of us when thinking about family or work our ambitions are fairly modest, a promotion at work, a pay rise, a nice comfortable home, and a stress free family life. The Junior partner had an ambition when he was eighteen when he found himself in the trenches in Northern France in WW1 in 1918 - that was to survive, which he obviously did otherwise you would not be reading this Rubbish. Ambition however always comes at a cost which is usually restricted by our own personal ability, the luck of being in the right place at the right time, or thinking that you can do things better than those around you. Now we have two people who have ambitions far beyond our expectations. They want to run the country. Most of us probably think they are mad to even think about wanting that job but there they are knocking lumps out of each other to get the top job while trying to convince us that they are both members of the same political party. Before the Junior partner was conscripted into the army to fight for his country he worked in the accounts office at a pottery factory near his home. When he returned home his job was gone and he had to find employment at a local coal mine shoveling coal into underground trucks. Events had
shattered his ambitions at that point in his life. Now with strikes looming, high inflation, and soaring energy costs, I think that most of us will have to put our ambitions on hold and, like the Junior Partner, go into survival mode. What we also know is that whoever wins the race to run the country will have an almost impossible job but safe in the knowledge that they will not finish their career shoveling coal. I cannot help thinking that Boris is laughing all the way to his country cottage with the miner's lamp on the fireplace shelf.

No doubt the Senior Partner had ambition but unfortunately she failed to meet Mr Marks or Mr Spencer or even Mr Sainsbury, Mr Aldi or Mr Lidll back in the 1920s and was never destined to be Mrs Tesco. Instead she met her Mate (no pun intended) the Junior Partner at her home in Yorkshire before he wisked her to a one room flat back in Stoke on Trent on the way to buying their shop originally called The Fruit Shop for £600 - remember when money was worth something?. The ambition to be a two shop national chain came during the war in the 1940s but the young man destined to be the manager sadly died serving his country, and the chance was gone. Pity really as The Junior Partner would have been able to relax for at least 50% of the time as she controlled her empire.

By now you will probably realise that the look of my website has changed as I have transferred to a new and less expensive website provider. Now if you think that I have worked through the process being an eighty something computer wizard you would be wrong. The whole task would have been completely beyond me but fortunately, our son Gareth is here on holiday from his home in The Netherlands so I just look on with blank amazement. Of course whilst the site may have changed, it will be the same old Rubbish coming your way. I did however manage to impress our teenage grandson when we met up at our local Weatherspoons (his choice not ours) this week. We found a table before I clicked onto my Weatherspoon app on my phone to order and pay for our drinks and food which was quickly brought to our table. I think that he described me as "cool", the ultimate accolade from a teenage boy.
Just a Thought:
When ambition ends, happiness begins.
Welcome to being the parents of a teenager. Be prepared for a large amount of eye rolling, emotional outbursts, and threats of running away. And that's just the parents.
Someone did a survey on how people walk home from their local pub. The results were staggering.
PS I have started a new section called Writings. There are a couple pf things posted there with more to come.
Ambition is when you have the desire and determination to achieve new things. Well done with the new blog and post. Keep going!