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A Day to Remember


Hi Everyone

As we travel through time, every so often along comes a memorable day. That happened this week. No, it was not because the sun shone, or that we went a day without rain or even that the temperature went above cold, no it was election day. It's that one day that happens about every five years when there is not a politician in sight or within hearing distance for 22 hours of the day until they reappear when the polling stations close. During their day of silence, many of them will have written two speeches to cover all the possibilities of winning or losing. Then they are in full flow again either in smug triumph or with a list of excuses, except I suspect the many who will be hiding in a cupboard in the hope that they will not be found by a camera or microphone. At this election many of the more well know politicians have found themselves out of a job and, I have to say, a few of them I will definitely not miss. The good news is that we have all had the opportunity to cast our vote and democracy has won with a new Prime Minister in place a few hours after the election results were declared and with no one crying that the result was a fix, other so called democracies please note. Having said all that Rubbish did democracy really win? The winning party won a landslide victory despite having received fewer votes than in the last two elections when they lost easily. That was because a third party split the vote, but more worryingly just 34% of the population voted for the winning party and only just over 50% bothered to vote at all. That has to change otherwise the future of the freedoms that we enjoy today will be eroded.

Now after all that Rubbish we can go back to the really important things in life like making sure the Main Contractor is happy, watching my tomatoes grow, the tennis at Wimbledon and football of course. The Junior Partner took me to my first football match on the 8th of October 1946. I remember who we played against, the score and who scored the goals and from that point I was hooked, and still am. Although I kicked a ball nearly every day I was never remotely a good footballer but I love the atmosphere generated by a large crowd, the banter and the many memorable moments. For those of us approaching middle age, hopefully, we all have a great memory bank to relive the many memorable events in our lives. I don't know much but my only advice to anyone is to do whatever you can while you can and you might just have a memory bank as full as mine.

This week I was reading a to do list as you start your day "Show gratitude", I definitely go with that as I wake up for another day, grateful that I have indeed woken up. , "Make the bed", apparently that can put you in the right frame of mind for the day, I leave that to the Main Contractor as it puts her in the right frame of mind to put up with me for another day. "Roll your ankles three times either way" before you put your feet on the floor. All this sounds great as I haven't even got out of bed yet until the Main Contractor comes along to tip me out so that she can put herself in the right frame of mind.

Just a Thought :

All the blood is drained out of democracy when only half the population votes.

My memory is not what it used to be. My memory is not what it used to be.

I once forgot to throw a boomerang, but then it came back to me.




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